Sound Art Project


I'm super excited to share my sound art project regarding foley sound-making and audio recordings. 

In this group project, I worked with my classmate, Alexander Maguire to create our audio scene.

Here are the steps to our scene that takes place in a kitchen and restaurant:

Scene: Inside a kitchen/restaurant

  1. In the kitchen

a. Sizzling/frying of food on a pan

b. Knife cutting something on a cutting board

c. Chefs talking in the background

d. Plating

e. The ding of a bell

f. Door swooshes open

     2. Restaurant dining area

a. Door swooshes open again

b. People talking over dinner

c. Footsteps

     3. At table

a. Plate being placed down on table

c. Pouring water

d. Glass clink

e. Customers saying “Santé”

Here is the audio recording file of the scene:

Here are some foley sounds my classmate and I had a lot of fun creating:

1. The first clip shows Alexander dropping a coin into a metal tin. This sound was made to replicate the ding of a bell.

2. The second clip shows me slowly squeezing an empty water bottle. This sound was made to replicate the popping of bubble wrap.

3. The third clip shows me scratching a fabric chair with my nails. This sound was made to replicate the ripping or tearing of a sheet of paper.

4. The fourth sound shows Alexander using a pressurized air can. This sound was made to replicate the hiss of an angry cat.

Thank you for reading and listening! 


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