Commentary on My Classmate's Clips

Hey there! 

This week, my media studies class decided to comment on each other's clips for our blogs. I've decided to express my thoughts about the clips my classmates, Johansen Rey and Alexander Maguire, took.

First up: Johansen Rey 

My favorite shots that Johansen took were the point-of-view shot (#1), the establishing shot (#3), and the full-body shot (#5). 

Firstly, the point-of-view shot shows two little kids appearing to be one or two years of age, playing and walking around. The camera is set in a position so viewers feel as if they're looking down at the children instead of being at eye level with them. The clip may evoke a sense of superiority and responsibility, or on a completely different note, a feeling of kind-heartedness and love.

Secondly, the establishing shot denotes a pan of a house's front yard. This clip was filmed at night, resulting in an eery and still vibe. No people or actions are in the clip, so it may portray a sense of loneliness or anxiousness, waiting for something to occur.

Thirdly, the full-body shot is of a little boy sleeping. His hands are in between his legs, showing his cold body temperature. The little boy has no blanket or toys seen in the clip, so this may provoke a feeling of pity, and once again, loneliness. Overall, a small boy sleeping on his own, is heartbreaking to many viewers.

Next up: Alexander Maguire

My favorite shots that Alexander took were the establishing shot (#4), the close-up shot (#5), and the low-angle shot (#6). 

Firstly, the establishing shot denotes a bustling library (-which also happens to be our media studies classroom!). Many students are seen walking and conversing in the clip. So much action, colorful scenery, and loud chatter show a very "alive" scene. It connotes that this setting is a fun place to be and many students enjoy spending their time there; so viewers may feel excited about the possibilities that can occur in the library. Also, the loudness and "fun" depicted in the library show a sense of irony.

Secondly, the close-up shot is of a girl... (It's me!) crying and wiping her tears. As with any emotional crying scene, a sense of sadness is felt, but more importantly, there are noises of others around her while she's crying, making the viewer feel alone, although physically surrounded. The choice of a close-up proves more intimate than a wide or long shot.

Thirdly, the low-angle shot denotes the same girl with her hands on her hips and gaze off into the distance. The clip may make viewers feel inferior to the girl by placing the camera at a lower angle, making it feel smaller in comparison. The choice of a low angle may also connote the audience placing their trust in this all-mighty and seemingly powerful individual.

So, that's all for this week! Thank you!


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